short course August 9-10, 2011
Course Layout
Day 1 August 9, 2011:
1.Introduction to GPS data processing and how processing is
treated in gamit/globk
Izmir_Lec01_Intro.pptx Izmir_Lec01_Intro.pdf
2.GAMIT Lecture: Overview of standard processing in GAMIT; daily session processing
Izmir_Lec02_gamit.pptx Izmir_Lec02_gamit.pdf
3.GLOBK Lecture: Overview of the way GLOBK
is used to analyze and combine results from GAMIT
Izmir_Lec03_globk.pptx Izmir_Lec03_globk.pdf
4.Tutorial session: Salton Sea data analysis around time of
Magnitude 5.8 aftershock to El Major Cucapah April 4,
2010 Mw 7.2 earthquake
Day 2 August 10, 2011
1.Modeling details, atmospheric delays, loading
Izmir_Lec04_models.pptx Izmir_Lec04_models.pdf
2.Treatment of earthquakes, equipment changes and other effects
Izmir_Lec05_RefFrame.pptx Izmir_Lec05_RefFrame.pdf
3.Statistics of time series and determination of error
models for velocity estimates
Izmir_Lec06_ErrorMod.pptx Izmir_Lec06_ErrorMod.pdf
4.Analysis of Salton Sea data over a longer period of time
using time series.
Data sets
BajaTest Data at time of aftershock: BajaTest.tar.gz
Orbits and nav files in case of ftp problems: BajaFTP.tar.gz
Earthquake file: Salton.eq
This file has main El Major Cucapah event commented
Sky plots and photos for some sites: Salton_SkyPlots.tar.gz
Coseismic offset model using program simplex and displace: BajaModel.tar.gz
To generate model: csh BajaSimplex.cmd
Timeseries for Salton Sea region: ts_6hr.tar.gz
GLOBAL times from MIT IGS
processing: ts_DFIX.tar.gz
Earthquake file for these time series: MIT110805.eq